- 2023/08/21
- First Announcement
- 2024/02/01
- Second announcement with EDM (electronic display message)
- 2024/03/01
- Website open and preliminary program available
- 2024/04/01
- Registration begins and abstract submission opens
- 2024/05/01
- First version of bimonthly eNews
- 2024/07/01
- Third announcement with promotion brochure
- 2024/08/01
- Reminding the deadline of abstract submission
- 2024/10/01
- Abstract submission deadline
- 2024/11/01
- Early-bird on-line registration deadline
- 2024/11/01
- On-line registration deadline
- 2022/11/22~
- The 7th TIC-PDMD in TICC
Taiwan International Congress of Parkinson’s Dsease and Movement Disorders
Registration fee of 7th TIC-PDMD will be waved for the participants with accepted abstract