
Airport Information

There are three international airports in Taiwan: Taoyuan International Airport (located about 40km from Taipei City), Kaohsiung International Airport (located in southern Taiwan), and Taipei SongShan Airport (Only certain international airlines from south Asia, China and Japan could arrive here ).

If you will travel from China or Japan you may inquire the possibility to take direct flight to the Taipei SongShan Airport for the most convenient access to the conference venue. If you come from other countries besides China and Japan, you will arrive at the Taoyuan International Airport instead. The Taxi (fare around TWD 1,200 per trip) and shuttle bus (fare around TWD 150 per trip) are available in the airport, and traveling time is around 1 hour depending on traffic.

Transportation Taipei City Information


Take Metro BanQiao NanGang Line (Blue Line) to Taipei City Hall Station. Exit via exit No. 2: take Keelung Rd., then join onto SongGao Rd., and turn right to ShihFu Rd., the join on to HsinYi Rd. and TICC Main Entrance.

Instead of walking, the other way to approach TICC is taking Taipei 101 Free Shuttle Buses, operated by Capital Bus Co. Ltd., run every 20 minutes on weekdays from City Hall MRT Station, Exit 2, to Taipei 101, which is only 5-minute walk from the conference venue.


There are many bus stops near Taipei International Convention Center. Please refer to the below map and bus number information.

Venue Location