About The Congress

Dear Colleagues,

  The TIC-PDMD is a biennial congress initiated and hosted by the Taiwan Movement Disorders Society (TMDS). The first TIC-PDMD was held on March 30–31, 2013, and it proved to be an impressive accomplishment, with more than 300 participants engaged in 35 talks with world-renowned speakers. Since then, every session of the TMDS President has devoted all energy to upgrading the TIC-PDMD into a genuinely international congress and persevered in building a discourse platform to expand the scale of the academic content. After 10 years of endurance, the TIC-PDMD has been one of Asia's most attractive congresses, a tradition in the Asian Oceanian, and the landmark of the TMDS.

  In the forthcoming 7th TIC-PDMD, more than 20 internationally renowned specialists and scholars will attend the congress and give talks. We will focus on gene and molecular therapy in Parkinson's disease, new perspectives of neurophysiology in movement disorders, advances in invasive and non-invasive brain stimulation, updates of neuroimaging to improve clinical diagnosis, critical issues of approaching dystonia and myoclonus, and the clinical applications of AI and device-assisted therapies.

  Moreover, there are three specially designed sessions in the 7th TIC-PDMD. The first will be a brand-new video tournament. Young doctors would team up to join the game, all audiences could participate in the online voting to get the scores, and the expert panel would give concise insights. The second will be the "Meetup with experts for being a good clinician and scholar." We will invite top international journal's chief editors and excellent key opinion leaders to share their career roadmap for success. The third will be the hands-on workshops to illustrate the best way of botulinum toxin injections and transcranial magnetic stimulation application. This gathering offers participants the exciting opportunity to make new friends and establish collaborations.

  We suggest you take advantage of staying in Taipei to experience the beautiful capital city of Taiwan through a highly efficient public transport network such as the MRT. You can take amazing landscapes in the soaring Taipei 101 tower, enjoy the multifaceted manifestations of thousands of years of Chinese culture in the prestigious National Palace Museum, and discover the famous Buddhist and Taoist temples like the Longshan Temple. Please do not miss the chance to relish the internationally famous seasonal fruits and Taiwanese tea, such as Woo-Lung and Oriental Beauty. The 7th TIC-PDMD will allow all participants to build wonderful lifelong memories in Taiwan.

  Finally, we sincerely invite you to attend the 7th Taiwan International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders (7th TIC-PDMD) in Taipei from November 22-24, 2024

With best and warm regards

7th TIC-PDMD Organizing Committee

Chair, Chin-Hsien Lin

Co-Chair, Rou-Shayn Chen

Han-Lin Chang

Yi-Cheng Tai

7th TIC-PDMD Scientific Committee

Chair, Ming-Kuei Lu

Yih-Ru Wu

Jui-Cheng Chen

Kai-Hsiang Chen