Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

  On behalf of the Taiwan Movement Disorder Society, we are pleased to cordially invite you to join the 7th Taiwan International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders (7th TIC-PDMD), which will be held during November 22-24, 2024, in Taipei, Taiwan.

  We are now facing a new era after the COVID-19 pandemic. The advances of many newly developed diagnostic tools and the early entry of mechanism-targeted therapies in neurodegenerative e disorders, especially Parkinson’s disease, will pave the way for people suffering from movement disorders.

  The main theme of the 7th TIC-PDMD is “The New Start in Post-COVID”. It will be a 3-day program featuring lectures of renowned international speakers and local experts, and workshops for hands-on practice to brainstorm innovative research ideas and promote international collaboration in Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders. The 7th TIC-PDMD will be an in-person conference, and the venue will be the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC). 

  We sincerely welcome and invite you all to the 7th TIC-PDMD in Taipei to get together and enjoy the exciting scientific programs at this conference.

With warmest regards,

林靜嫻 Chin-Hsien Lin,
President, Taiwan Movement Disorder Society
Chair, Organizing committee, 7th TIC-PDMD